Babylon Economic Inclusion Program (EIP)

Helping Minority, Women and Veteran-Owned Businesses Grow...

Investing in Your Success
We help businesses thrive.
That's what we're here for.
It Takes a Village
Partnership = Power. You don't have to do it alone.
Let our experience work for you.
Let Us Connect You
There are resources available for your business.
We've done the legwork so you don't have to.
Supporting Our Veterans
Investing into those who have served us

Supporting and elevating Minority, Women and Veteran-owned entrepreneurs within the Town of Babylon

The Economic Inclusion Initiative is an innovative program with a goal to create opportunities of equity, mobility, and growth for Minority/Women and Veteran entrepreneurs within the Babylon Township by providing Financial, Training & Technical Assistance, MBWE/VETERAN Certifications & Ongoing Developments.

About Us

“The Town of Babylon is one of the, if not the most, diverse towns on Long Island and it’s vitally important that our economic development programs reflect that,” said Babylon Town Supervisor Rich Schaffer.

Some of the Benefits of the Program

1. Financial Assistance

  • Secure no-interest loans to small businesses and targeted grant programs
  • Improves access to capital by creating supporting crowdfunding and micro-lending

2. Training and Technical Assistance

  • Oversee partnerships with foundations and universities to provide capacity building
  • Provide student learning opportunities and skills training programs

2. MBWE/VETERAN Certification

  • Promote partnerships between Town and minority consultants, contractors, and vendors
  • Increases Access to RFP and bidding processes

Providing Financial, Training & Technical Assistance, MBWE/VETERAN Certifications and Ongoing Developments to existing and aspiring entrepreneurs

Improving occupancy rates in underutilized business districts while also providing small business owners with affordable space needed to advance their businesses.

Our careful analysis of the region’s minority communities  has enabled us to formulate programs that work for the cultural enrichment and economic vitality of all.
